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Beyond the Job: Small Gesture Big Impact

Beyond the Job: Small Gesture. Big Impact.

They say that teamwork makes the dream work, and that could not be truer for the SplashBI team. At SplashBI, we wholeheartedly believe that the workplace should go beyond work. We are united by our desire to make a difference—not just within the company, but in recognizing issues and causes that impact us all as individuals.

One such cause is the Georgia National Guard. Terry Rogers, Director of Business Development, is a pivotal member of the SplashBI team. Terry’s son, Miles, was recently deployed overseas with the Georgia National Guard. This was a huge sacrifice not only for Miles, but his entire family; Terry, his wife Paige, and their youngest, Collier. Most people will never understand the rigors a deployed soldier goes through or the emotions felt by a soldier’s parents.

In true SplashBI fashion, the entire employee base immediately reached out to help the Rogers family in any way we could. We set about collecting personal cash donations (and goody bags) from the team for this worthy cause.  As an added touch, co-founders Naveen Miglani and Kiran Pasham decided to match the donation total. In the end, over $5,000 was raised.

After receiving the donation, Terry said: “The power of generosity never ceases to amaze me. My work family at SplashBI wanted to do something for my son and his battle buddies overseas and contributed, out of pocket, so my wife and I could put together care packages for the men and women from Georgia, so they could get a little love from home. I had no idea the amount of appreciation everyone felt and when they presented me with what was put together, it was so overwhelming. It means the world to the people that are away from their families.”

Beyond the Job: Small Gesture Big Impact 6

Co-founders, Kiran Pasham and Naveen Miglani, added: “It’s a cause that’s close to many of our hearts. It’s something we really wanted to do to show our support for not only Terry and Miles, but for everyone whose friends or family are affected. As a team, we go through a lot together; whether it’s celebrating a victory or facing challenges, we make sure each employee is cared for. It really is the recipe for success in any organization as the bonds that we have created really ensure our team is productive, motivated and truly engaged as we work towards a common goal.”

About the Author

Beyond the Job: Small Gesture Big Impact 7

CMO Marc Ramos,
27 February, 2019

Marc Ramos is the Chief Marketing Officer for SplashBI. With over two decades of executive leadership, professional speaking, and real-life sales and marketing experience, Marc brings his innovative views to the SplashBI Team.

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