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Stuck with Oracle Discoverer? 4 things you need to do right away!

Stuck with Oracle Discoverer? 4 things you need to do right away!


Oracle Discoverer is beyond the end of life. Yet, despite that being the situation for some years now, many organizations still need to rely on Discoverer for transactional, operational, and statutory reporting.

Can you migrate your Discoverer reports?

Yes, that’s possible, and we can show you this in 2 minutes. Join our webinar as we talk about four essential things:

  • What Issues Are Discoverer Users Facing Now?
  • How Can You Replace Discoverer?
  • What Should You Look for?
  • How Do Your Protect Your Investment?


Stuck with Oracle Discoverer? 4 things you need to do right away! 4

Graham Spicer
Country Head, EMEA

Stuck with Oracle Discoverer? 4 things you need to do right away! 5

Rishabh Miglani
Solutions Manager, SPLASHBI

Additional Resources

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