The Top 5 Discoverer Conversion Questions
Don’t be fooled by other vendors!
Many vendors in the Discoverer Conversion space take the SQL behind the Discoverer Workbooks and import to the new product. There are some real impacts to taking this route when moving from Discoverer to a supported product.
If you look at this type of conversion, you might wonder how this affects me.
Converted reports run just the SQL brought in to the new product which may seem like the easiest, quickest and potentially most cost-effective way to proceed. But is it really?
If you go this route, the report will be static and NOT retain functionality from Discoverer.
Users CANNOT add or remove columns
Users CANNOT add or change filters or parameters
Users CANNOT copy the report to create a new report
Though moving the SQL to a new tool might seem the best solution, doing so will take away the functions that most Discoverer users want like Self-service reporting and copying and/or modifying existing reporting. If you cannot change a converted report, what is the cost to build a NEW report just to get minor changes. Suddenly, the savings to convert is eaten up in man hour costs to do business.
What can you ask vendors being reviewed for Discoverer Conversion to be sure you have the full understanding of the solution they are offering?
Does the solution take the entire infrastructure from the EUL?
Import the EUL
Import the Business Areas
Import the Workbooks and Worksheets
Import the Users
Will the converted reports have the same or better functionality as was in Discoverer?
So, what you see in Discoverer today, will you see in the new solution with full functionality?
Can we edit the report once converted?
Users in Discoverer expect to be able to edit exiting workbooks on the fly. If you bring in only SQL and create a static report. What is the cost to build a new report just to make a minor change to a report that can’t be modified?
Can we copy a report and pull in new columns and change parameters and filters?
A big value of Discoverer is the self-service capabilities. Taking an existing report, copying it and making changes quickly to get a new result set. What is the cost again of having to build a new report to gain this functionality?
Does the solution provide a Conversion Utility that will allow internal conversion without external consulting?
If you convert SQL, is there a utility my company can use to save on consulting costs?
Finding a Discoverer Conversion solution that give you an option to do the conversion yourself is key to cost savings. Why pay someone to convert when you can convert yourself?
Protect your investment to see which BI tool can:
Migrate your current workbooks
Offer Speed and Accuracy
Is available at least Cost
Deliver solutions (Self Service Reporting, Dashboards and Discoverer Conversion Utility), not just a product.
We often hear that “My EUL is unique and has a lot of complexity.” Having worked with numerous customers over several years, we have found many complexities in the market. Here are a few that you want your BI tool to solve out of the box.
Object Level Calculations
Totals/Sub Totals
Calculation column inside another un-used calculation columns
Group BY
Color Codes
Disabled calculation columns, conditions and parameters(un-checked)
Date format mask
Workbook Security/share
Custom Folders with complex query
Match Case/case insensitive filters
Cross Tab Layout
Exclude/Include Joins
Item Classes/LOVS
Page Items
Complex calculation formulas with Analytical Functions like PARTITION BY.
Object Level Filters
Report Sets
Replace NULL value with
The goal of customers to migrate from the de-supported Discoverer to a new product is to save the investment they have made so what you see in Discoverer today is what you will get in the new product with new feature functions that will grow with the business. Good luck, and happy converting!
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