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The Salesforce Admin Series: Missing Information

The Salesforce Admin Series Part 1


There are a few problems that you will undoubtedly run into as a Salesforce admin, analyst, or someone who finds themselves building a report from CRM data. Frustrating as it can be, these issues have no definite solution… but we are here to help you understand why these problems exist and provide the tools to pinpoint a unique solution that suits your reporting needs.

Out of the problems likely to present themselves, the most commonly encountered obstacle is missing information. Often the cause of missing information can be narrowed down to three reasons:

1) Salespeople not entering in information
2) Your marketing team is not providing a field for that information to be collected
3) Your team is not gathering that information at trade shows

To discern the origin of these missing information, we will take a heuristic approach. The first step is the easiest and most accessible method of finding out why your information is missing; just ask your salesmen. It may sound accusatory, but it’s not. Sometimes information is missing sheerly because someone did not enter the data.

The quick solution to this problem is to talk with a salesman or sales manager and ensure that standard operating procedure is being followed and enforced. This guarantees that everyone is getting the information they need to help run a successful organization.

Incomplete data entry is not always the answer to why your information is missing. The problem may lie in how your organization is gathering data. In today’s digital world, many companies acquire leads through online platforms. Typically, the process of digital lead acquisition conforms to:
1) Have interesting content available for download on your website
2) Put a form fill in front of downloadable content
3) Someone visiting your website sees the content and becomes interested
4) The visitor submits their personal information in the form fill
5) Visitor is now able to and does download the content
6) Visitor becomes lead

The important aspect of this process for Salesforce admins, analysts, and report builders to pay attention to is the form fill. This is the key to gathering the information you need. The information this form fill collects is what goes into your CRM. So, if there is a field (first name, last name, company, etc.) missing on the form fill that new leads fill out, you can be sure that is the reason for your missing information.

The final reason for missing information is very similar to the previous reason, it just takes place in a different setting. At tradeshows, sales representatives and booth operators alike are focused on one thing: booking demos. So much so that collecting CRM information pertinent to your report building can be forgotten from their list of to dos. Again, speaking with the trade show team is the way to remedy
this issue. Prior to the show, ensure that everyone understands what information must be collected from leads and how everyone eventually benefits from this collection of information.

Solving the issue of missing information boils down to two things: the salesforce admin’s ability to understand how the information collecting process takes place in your organization, and how they communicate with the people who facilitate that process. This post is the first of many relating to issues encountered by Salesforce admins, analysts, and report builders, so stay tuned for more!

To learn more about SplashBI and its amazing ability to improve organizations reporting processes, check out our reporting page. Need Salesforce® specific answers? Visit our Salesforce® connector page to answer all your Salesforce admin related questions.

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