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Getting Started With SplashBI Charts

A chart is a visual representation of data which allows you to analyze and interpret data. In SplashBI, a chart is also what will primarily make up a dashboard. SplashBI offers a wide range of customization options to build your charts to your individual needs, including Titles, Colors, Legends, Tool Tips, etc. SplashBI also provides a comprehensive filtering capability to filter the data that you wish to see in the charts.

Getting Started With SplashBI Charts 1

Edit, Copy, & Chart Details

  • To edit a selected chart, click the icon found on the same line, then click Edit. This option will bring the user back to the edit chart page if it is a chart.
  • To copy a specific chart, click the icon found on the same line, then click Copy. This function will copy the formatting and customization of a particular chart.
  • To search for a specific chart by name or a specific dashboard by name, use the search-bar function located at the top of the page.
  • To search for a specific chart by folders or business area, use the search by folders/business area search text box located at the top of the page.
  • The Info icon displays details on another, page like Created By, Creation Date, Seeded, Last Modified Date, and Last Modified By, etc., below the selected chart.

How do you create a new Chart?

How do you copy a chart?

CloudWorld Europe 2025